Sunday, December 18, 2011

We're Gonna Start Fight Club.

Good news, Jack called! Blowing up his apartment was a success.

He called me up, and we decided to hang out for awhile, he needed to clear his head. He didn't tell me why, that he was a mess and had nowhere to go because his apartment was gone, but I knew. We met up at the bar downtown and got a few drinks. We're a lot alike, I mean, we're the same person, but he doesn't know that. I told him about making soap, and how much I hate that the world's based on stupid materialistic needs and all the first class people, and how nobody cares about the middle class guys that hold everything together. How money's destroying everything. We talked about our dad's leaving, and his boring job. I told him about how I was a part time film projector down at the movie theatre, and we got along really good. We got pretty wasted, and left at around midnight.

I got the best idea outside of the bar. I wanted Jack to stand up for himself, to show how he really felt for once. I mean, you don't really know what you're capable of until all your true feelings come out. Before I talked to him, he started hinting at getting home. I just told him to cut the bullshit and straight up ask me what he wanted. That's his problem - he's not willing to take risks to get what he wants. He just listens to what he's told. He's a follower, but has the most potential to be a leader. I told him he could crash at my place. Hell, I told him he could stay with me. The few belongings he had left since I blew up his condo so he'd have an excuse to leave was in his car. This was it, this was his firs step to letting go of everything he knew. I wanted him to start fight club with me.

I chugged the last gulp of my beer and smashed my bottle into the pavement, and told him to hit me as hard as he can.

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