Sunday, December 18, 2011

Meeting Marla, Tension with Jack?

Today, I met Marla Singer. I mean, I slept with her, too, but I met her. She lives in an apartment building a few blocks away from Jack and I. I guess her and Jack had a thing - it seems like it's fading though. I mean, now that she's met me she seems to think I'm the best thing that's ever happened to her. I don't really want her like that, though. I felt bad for her. She was lonely, Jack's been going through some stuff lately and can't sort himself out. He's been distant, and she needs someone constant. That person shouldn't be me though, it should be Jack. The only reason I slept with her was so Jack would realize how much he cared about her and fix their relationship. I told him, though, I don't like secrets. It worked. Marla took a bottle of Xanax before I came over as a cry for help, so I slept with her and then came back home and told Jack. He's been on the phone with her ever since. See? I'm not just a jerk, I actually made him realize he needed to get her before she slipped away.
Jack and me are really tense lately. I mean, despite the whole sleeping with Marla thing - I think he's getting jealous of me. He's realizing that even though we do everything together - run fight club, see Marla, when we hang out with people - people are always asking him if he knows Tyler Durden. It's always about me. He's getting jealous of me.

I'm everything Jack wishes he was.

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